Friday, December 3, 2010

MTV's 'Teen Mom' documentary Trailer

Teen Moms? Children having children. Why does this happen? Some say its because the parents Are TOO strict. Some say they are not strict enough. It has become such a norm for young girls that are 14 and up to start having kids that in reality we are making TV shows about it!? (Now dont get me wrong, these are bundle of joys coming into this world and people make mistakes. I also watch this show a lot to see how it would be like to have kids at a young age). However, this is taking a risk of younger girls that are 12 years old and up to have kids. Why are they even having sex!? Its called...*Theme music* MEDIA!

Media controls almost everything a child hears, see, and maybe even want to taste. However, now-a-days you see TOO many of these type of shows that might even influence Younger children to have children. Maybe some younger kids would learn from this if they havent already. But why risk showing something that shouldnt even cross a childs mind till she/he is at the age of 25 at least?

Maybe the parents need to monitor what the child listens to or even watch because this is getting out of hand. Its ok to make mistakes and having children is the BEST thing to have in your life. However, having children is a responsibility...If you cant even clean your room when your parents ask you to, what makes you think you are responsible enough to take care of another child? It can be hard...A child under 18 shouldnt have to go through something like this. However, if you are in this situation, Its ok ^^ do the best you can to raise your child.


  1. There's so much wrong with this picture. Some would argue that putting it on TV and showing just how hard it is, makes some girls think twice. Some (like me) would argue that putting it on TV like they do, glamorizes it and produces ideas that may not have existed in the first place. I know that some argue pro-media. I am NOT one of them because I believe that the media strongly influences in the form of subliminal messages. Like this Teen Mom thing. It's like "nothing in life is easy" type of thing. And this is just one more thing that won't be easy. It won't...BUT, at the same time, get your education and stabilize yourself first before bringing a baby into that situation. That baby didn't ask to be here and he/she damn sure didn't ask to be here with somebody that's struggling to take care of him/her!!! It makes me so mad. I have not watched this show, but have heard many things about it. This show's topic is just one of the many reasons I created Babygirlz.

    Don't get me wrong. Once the baby is here, they are here and it can't be redone. They are beautiful gifts from God and deserve the very best we can provide and I just don't think a young girl can do that - and shouldn't have to when they still have so much growing to do themselves.

    Good post.

  2. Yeah! And they dont even show when you gie birth to the Placenta...ouch. So, the tv make it so normal and make seem like its not so bad when really they shouldnt be having sex at all. They should be concentrating on school and education instead of boys and sex. Men and sex can come later. Education is one in a life time sometimes.
